Mishchenko Yevgeniya, widely known as Jenya Jem, is a Ukrainian artist whose global experiences deeply influence her captivating work. Having lived and traveled across numerous countries, her art celebrates the richness of diverse cultures, human connections and traditions she encountered along the way.
Jenya's creative journey began with a remarkable exhibition at the House of the Composer in Yalta, where her paintings were met with acclaim. Her career soon flourished, leading to international exhibitions in Singapore, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, Paris and Bali.
Through her distinctive use of oil and acrylic, Jenya explores the complexity of human nature and relationships. Themes of identity, cultural diversity and the dynamic interactions between men and women are central to her work. She views art as more than a creative outlet—it is a vital language of self-expression and a means of understanding the world.
We are excited to collaborate with Jenya Jem and have her art exhibited at the ftNFT Phygital Space, Dubai Mall, Chinatown, from January 25 to February 25, 2025. Join us for a journey through her thought-provoking works that beautifully celebrate diversity and human connection.